I'm a cancerian in a Twin Flame journey with my Pisces friend . I'm the one stop chasing her . She lack effort in the Twin Flame journey and communication. Thank you for your reading.
purple rain💜... "i never meant to cause u any trouble i never meant to cause u any pain i only wanted to see u laughing to see you dancing in the purple rain" 💜 i only wanted to be your weekend lover be some kind of freind baby, i could never steal you from another , such a shame our freindship had to end "
I’ve never resonated with a reading more than this one! The plate of noodles, the missing tooth and someone named Neno introduced us! The entire reading!! I cried.. thank you for this reading 🙏🏼♥️
Thank you Baba for your reading. I just wanted to make a comment saying that an emotional or psychological abusive relationship is as damaging as physically abusive relationship, if not even worse. That should not be underestimated. A lot of people are going through narcissistic abusive relationships, and its very hard to know for the outside world. No one deserve to be abused either physically or psychologically.
The reading really resonates, and I'm just glad I can now laugh about my twin's bravado (thinking back, it now seems cute instead of slightly annoying), and not feel the pain anymore thinking back on our past. So much has been learnt and I cannot deny the painful lessons brought me to a better place, thank you Baba Jolie for your love to all of us.
Thank you reader, hey Pisces ♓️ family, with my new energy for about 4 month’s.....we are doing things our way, it’s a journey for us both.....loving it.....keeping the faith....
He keeps destroying me over and over. He threw me away again just today. He is my twin flame. But today was the last straw, I’m gonna hang onto the the little sliver of my heart that I have left and move on.. 💜
I Understand, it took me 20 yrs to let go of what dignity I had left... Know your worth, it took me a long time to get mine back, but you can and will rise and be better without!! Just take this time to understand yourself and what you want..do not settle.. good luck
I live by this mantra and it has served me well through the years and hopefully, this saying can help you and others in your situation as well!!! And that is ... >>> *FOOL ME ONCE*...!!!
As always I love your readings. This resonated so much. I am in separation of my twin flame and has been on and off for the past 2 years. He belonged to a sorority and holds it dearly to his heart and in the past he told me to listen to purple rain. I thought everything was fine and then he just ghosted me and I took that as a sign from the universe for me to finally walk away. If it is him and I in the future, and it is God’s will, so be it. Thank you again.
The entire reading completely resonated. We also got a kitten named Nina. She is only 6 months old but feels like an old soul - a protector. Acts like it too.
Right to 90%... gave me goosbumps. Specially the name that came up, as it has a deep meaning and reason to why things are as they are for the moment. Brought me to tears ❤️
98% of this reading resonated with me. But when you mentioned Purple Rain I lost it and cried. That song is of significant meaning in my life and to this relationship that I’ve had to walk away from as it caused me much toxicity and deep pain that I’m still healing from nearly 3 years later. You are truly amazing and I’m forever grateful for you and your gift. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
Another spot on reading! This mirrors the Aries reading and I am Aries, Pisces, Gemini, sun, moon, rising respectively. The money is our business which was just licensed after a year and a half, and he basically said that not having it now is part of his current depression. So very spot on, again. Our twin flame relationship is very real and the actual feeling of runner/chaser is clear as water. I love’em but dang I wanna run right now!!!! Anyway, now I will look for this Nina. Lol
Hello Baba Jolie, I am going through everything you said word for word..You have given me so much spiritual enlightenment. I really did put my best foot forward with my connection and everything you said gave me advice on how to move forward and find my happiness and not waste 10 years of my beautiful life. Thank you so much you are just so amazing and professional. Many more blessings to you Baba Joli🤩❤️
This is just like a personal reading for me Absolutely amazing And yes , he is having some teeth problems As you see not an easy situation Have been working on it for years ... thank you Baba Jolie , I feel so close to you ☺️ as you see , I have no problems expressing myself and my emotions Love and light
Omg , every thing in this reading pertains to the relationship I was in with a Virgo ,from ppl asking why I want to be with him to years of putting up with his b.s.and his family situation growing up !!!
I'm a sun pisces and nina is one of my best friends against this relationship lol and your right I gave too much time effort and ready for something worthy of my heart.
We met at a sorority house....wowowowowowow he has an addiction, hit the nail on the head. Your such an amazing reader Baba Jolie, I’m so very grateful for you and your gift
When you said Prince and deeply religious I knew there was something in this reading for me. So much resonated. Thank you for this gift and your beautiful energy. You’ve given me a spark of hope. ❤️🦋⭐️🐞🧘♀️📿🌈🍀🦄🌙
You mention all. I am looking forward to meet him. To future things will change to realize. I am lot older than he is. I have my love for him as a mother Jolie. All will fit.It will work out. We talked today first intensive told him how I see. He call me my Superwoman! I know the time will find our way to be happy. I lived one drama after another.The Universe was always working as when its against . I cannot explain its was testing my strength. I love him but have to watch and protect myself and him. Thank you Jolie you are amazing!
Wow ! So accurate. He's a taurus. He rang last night after a 3 month break. I never answered, but he's unblocked me. Seems he wanrs to talk. Your reading is so spot on in every way. He had a very troubled upbringing and schooling that haunts him to this day. Yep, I'm not jumping back in. A liar is a liar. I had already recognised and learnt the lesson set for me. My barriers are stronger. I was giving to much in a one way relationship, he has alot of trust to rebuild. Lets see ..
This reading resonates with me which is true because my twin flame debt me an email saying he'll be back in 2-3 weeks to talk and meet, also buying property in Costa Rica. Thank you Baba Jolie. I am a follower 😊❤
Lol!! We are TFs and both of us have the front teeth replaced with implants. And yes he is my TF. He is piscis and I was the runner now I am healed but my FT is working on it. I completed oneness and working my spiritual gifts thanks to this connection. I wish I could reach to him but I dont think is time yet. We met 20 yrs ago and we both were with a karmic and a soulmate. I got scared we were so similar and that cause the beggining of working our shadow work. Thank you for the great gift you share with us. Love and light beautiful soul.
Sometimes making a break with a twin flame, no matter how painful it seems, is a way to break generational toxic cycles and get to higher ground. It is a traumatic break for sure...but the options in the end are: choosing endless pain or breaking the chains and flying to new heights. Twin flame or not, if someone transfers their pain onto you and makes no attempt to align their spiritual journey with yours, then it is time to choose YOU and walk away.
Nina. I met her at a sushi restaurant & we became friends. She returned from Denmark with a social website in 2010, forcing me to join. Nina stated she was here to guide me to meet my husband. I met my Twin on this website & we had a physical relationship throughout year 2011. Been separated since but keep in contact throughout the years. Very deep bond & love... Baba Jolie states- "You can not make this stuff up" I have been in my power since 2011 & making my dreams come to fruition no matter the circumstances... God Bless Lady
Wow! This was almost like a personal reading, I wear a lot of interesting rings, my twin also knows I love Prince, and we are also in separation and not talking to each other. I definitely feel like I’ve done everything I can, I have reached out and been ignored and he continues to hurt me from a distance. So I’m done and focusing on myself. Thank you to you and your wonderful spirit team for the messages
I dont normally comment at all, but this one was crazy for me. When you said "missing tooth" I chalked it up to coincidence since mine is missing in a place that you would only know if I opened my mouth to show you, but shortly after you mentioned her name. Then I felt a huge relief like a ton of bricks just flew off my shoulders. I really am so glad that something came through at a time like this because I've been starting to feel like I was just chasing pavements or going insane tbh. Thank you so much for this message and what you do!
I’m a Pisces and I decided to watch this because I felt there was nothing left to lose. Then something crazy happened you mentioned ( your guides were saying something to someone who might be eating noodles) I dropped my spoon because I was eating noodle soup and listened to everything you said. Thank you I may not understand it all but I’m positive I’ll figure it out in time
I did resonate with this reading . I'm a Pisces, he's a Taurus & moves very slowly .We reconnected almost 4 years ago after 20 years apart & my sister Nina was the one who first introduced us all those years ago
Thankyou again for you beautiful readings as it is taking so long to hear from my twin flame I start to think it’s never going to happen, This helps me keep the faith 💓
When he ended things I told him if he changes his mind he knows where to find me. Even though he hurt me I will hear him out coz i believe there are things we need to fix first. But I am willing to face all obstacles with him. I feel he has pushed me away though. You are so good in your reading and perceptions. I wish we will patch up soon. But I will not reach out coz I already did and we ended instead. This reading made me sad.
SO ACCURATE.. I wear at least 7 rings..Prince is one of my favorite artists. Our last cordial conversation was about a Purple corvette..PTSD and childhood trauma made him invulnerable, but I felt our hearts connect.. Then he became a track star 🏃 ..You don't see a karmic because according to previous TF readings, he let the karmic go 😃.. I know, the reason he is focused on money before returning because due to how brutal he left it, he knows he MUST court, spoil me; and, PROVE he can be a DIVINE MASCULINENE and not a page of wands!! I love you, Baba. I pray his heart is healed 💙.
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful day full of magical moments. May the Universe send you all your manifestations and more. Love and light xx
You always are so psychic for me! I have a missing tooth, one of the ones to the side of my smile so it is a little noticeable and I’ve been self conscious of it and I’ve made an affirmation that I could get a bridge or implant before uniting with my twin flame... crazy!
Oh boy, this resonated more than I wanted it to. I want this to end, and I want a conversation to find things out and why they ended how they did. I wish that this wasn’t a twin flame connection because it makes it all the harder to step away completely. I don’t want this person back and it certainly would take a miracle for me to accept them back. My friends hate them and didn’t like them while they were in my life, especially the way they left my life. The way this person left my life was one that I feel almost nobody would let back in. It wasn’t cheating but instead them trying to take all of my physical possessions as they left, like my job and people I’d later meet by ruining my reputation.
This reading is reversed...the Pisces gave me Breadcrumbs & Guarded was an understatement!!! I’m a strong Capricorn & realized I can’t fix something I didn’t break. Sad...he thinks we will be together whenever he feels like doing the work to fix his upbringing that was misery. He is a runner, could NEVER handle communication. Sooooo reversed!!!
Same here...I am Capricorn also. I actually came open hearted to this relationship, but got hurt so many times by "super sensitive " pisces, is not even funny. I was listening word "sorry " over and over, I was taking him back over and over....But this time I am drain ..no energy or strange deal with him anymore. I am just a human with heart, no superhero with a stone insteadheart...
@@janaviochnova5701 keep doing YOU!!! We can only Love them & let them go if they can’t give it back. This reading was so crazy down to his father having an affair when he was only a few years old. Very bad childhood & I think that’s what kept me living with him for 5 years. He is NOT a bad person he just can’t communicate his feelings to the point I watch Pisces readings to try to understand how he feels. Pathetic right?!? Lol. I hope it all works out for you, we all deserve to be happy. 🥰
I moved out on February 24th, hardest thing to do when you still love someone. I have done everything I can & I’m just cried out. I can Love him an hour away with NO expectations so, I can save myself disappointment...just over & over again broken promises. I wish him happiness...now I will find my own without him. 💔
A really incredibly resonating read. I do both enjoy and equally appreciate your reads. I have written a comment up before, in relation of another read you’ve done, but, the woman who I love, whilst though being apart, is a Cancerian. Close to all of what you said rang, has rung, a resounding truth. I love this woman and honestly believe she’s my forever, but, I am at that place of how long do I continue hanging on. She is though, my soulmate. I feel sure. ♓️+♋️=❤️
I’m an Aries, ascending Pisces and Capricorn moon. I always read all three to get a more specific reading for me and its been right on with you. Even though i know its a general reading, so far its felt very personal. Thank you.
Baba jolie you are Legend. OMG!!!! He is staying his mother's home now becouse of his hernia surgery. And i visit him today.I went his mother's home and she make a noodles. Omg its unbelivable baba jollie how you know this!!! We ate noddle together today with him. 👌👌👌👌👌😱👏👏👏👏👏💐💐💐
Thank you Baba Jolie!! Sooooo personal. You healed me this day. He is my person. Thank you for this clarity and your soothing spirit and words.💜💍☔️🥡 🦷 ♓️♏️ eternalbeloved
This is exactly what is happening to me right now... and then Baba explains it all, and my twin flames childhood was just that! Quite an emotional process. Oh and I recently had my one wisdom tooth removed. ...sigh... but thank you Baba x
*Sudden Wealth: I relate to not feeling anything on that card. Bc for me, this is all about Wealth of things they haven't had before - free of all the restrictions of life - so that they can complete their change. Not monetary Wealth. They are sharing their gifts with me still (he passed away). 2:00 in, and already tearing up overfilled with energy. This person, who I knew in my soul who they were, but didn't realize that it was a Twin Flame journey until after, they died in late January. I'm still connected to him. On every single level (except physical, of course). I can see the beautiful lessons he is enabling me to explore, and the gifts I'm being called to activate. Thank you so much for this reading.
Baba Jolieeeeeee! I was just thinking should I say something to him or just not and just respect the dead .... and it's like you answered me. 😳🤯🤪 Aaaaaaaaaaaah-mazing.
Wow spot on! My boyfriend and I have been together a year but hes holding back waiting for his residency to go through. He broke his front tooth and had emergency surgery on it. We've had arguments about it and he says he wants to build with me but needs to finish his other thing first. I understand the pressure he is under but I told him I'm growing bored of trying with him. He is so loving but he is so in his head it's like he can't express himself incase he doesn't get to remain in the country. Also my friend today was telling me about her friend Nina! Thank you for a wonderful reading 👏❤
Holy smokes! Spot on. Chills 😙 Thank you 💖 everything from the song to the missing tooth and noodles all the way through felt like a personal reading thank you baba jolie
This is my first time watching and I have to let you know how impressed I am. Less that 15 minutes in and you've nailed my situation 100%...including the bowl of noodles that I'm eating right now and the missing tooth that I knocked out of my mouth on Thurs. by accidentally smashing a guitar into my face. Whoa...Just whoaaa! :)
Not in a twin flame situation but I watch because I enjoy Baba Jolie’s reading while doing chores 😄
Me too.
Same here 😁
I'm a cancerian in a Twin Flame journey with my Pisces friend . I'm the one stop chasing her . She lack effort in the Twin Flame journey and communication. Thank you for your reading.
Lol same...it's so relaxing
Haha me too!
purple rain💜...
"i never meant to cause u any trouble
i never meant to cause u any pain
i only wanted to see u laughing
to see you dancing in the purple rain"
💜 i only wanted to be your weekend lover
be some kind of freind
baby, i could never steal you from another ,
such a shame our freindship had to end "
@ Freddie....... I appreciate you
For some reason i felt like crying when i read the purple rain song , thank you for writing the words down its lovely
@@clareclare5398 ur welcome , i think the lyrics mean so much to us pisces cos they reflect our situation
@@clareclare5398 ugly cried over here 🥰
Cross watching Aries for my Pisces. Once again, blown away by the accuracy.
I’ve never resonated with a reading more than this one! The plate of noodles, the missing tooth and someone named Neno introduced us! The entire reading!! I cried.. thank you for this reading 🙏🏼♥️
I’m legit having a panic attack on how accurate everything is.
Thank you Baba for your reading. I just wanted to make a comment saying that an emotional or psychological abusive relationship is as damaging as physically abusive relationship, if not even worse. That should not be underestimated. A lot of people are going through narcissistic abusive relationships, and its very hard to know for the outside world. No one deserve to be abused either physically or psychologically.
The reading really resonates, and I'm just glad I can now laugh about my twin's bravado (thinking back, it now seems cute instead of slightly annoying), and not feel the pain anymore thinking back on our past. So much has been learnt and I cannot deny the painful lessons brought me to a better place, thank you Baba Jolie for your love to all of us.
Thank you reader, hey Pisces ♓️ family, with my new energy for about 4 month’s.....we are doing things our way, it’s a journey for us both.....loving it.....keeping the faith....
He keeps destroying me over and over. He threw me away again just today. He is my twin flame. But today was the last straw, I’m gonna hang onto the the little sliver of my heart that I have left and move on.. 💜
A twin flame wouldn't throw you away. Look up utube around false twin flame
I Understand, it took me 20 yrs to let go of what dignity I had left...
Know your worth, it took me a long time to get mine back, but you can and will rise and be better without!!
Just take this time to understand yourself and what you want..do not settle.. good luck
I live by this mantra and it has served me well through the years and hopefully, this saying can help you and others in your situation as well!!! And that is ...
>>> *FOOL ME ONCE*...!!!
He'll be back!😉
And if you don't let him back, you'll get AMAZING energy...☀️ be strong, good days are coming 🥰
Virgo sun, pisces rising... This has been so hopeful, thank you for the peace
Wow!!!! His Favorite Artist is Prince and always listens to Purple Rain.. so on point...
As always I love your readings. This resonated so much. I am in separation of my twin flame and has been on and off for the past 2 years. He belonged to a sorority and holds it dearly to his heart and in the past he told me to listen to purple rain. I thought everything was fine and then he just ghosted me and I took that as a sign from the universe for me to finally walk away. If it is him and I in the future, and it is God’s will, so be it. Thank you again.
So so spot on! Dealing with guarded Virgo! Thank u so much for your reading! and Happy birthday to all the Pisces!!
"I'm sure Pisces your sitting there thinking, "why didn't they give me the wealth"..... yep- that is exactly what I was thinking at that moment. Ha
The entire reading completely resonated. We also got a kitten named Nina. She is only 6 months old but feels like an old soul - a protector. Acts like it too.
Right to 90%... gave me goosbumps. Specially the name that came up, as it has a deep meaning and reason to why things are as they are for the moment. Brought me to tears ❤️
98% of this reading resonated with me. But when you mentioned Purple Rain I lost it and cried. That song is of significant meaning in my life and to this relationship that I’ve had to walk away from as it caused me much toxicity and deep pain that I’m still healing from nearly 3 years later. You are truly amazing and I’m forever grateful for you and your gift. Many blessings to you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
Another spot on reading! This mirrors the Aries reading and I am Aries, Pisces, Gemini, sun, moon, rising respectively. The money is our business which was just licensed after a year and a half, and he basically said that not having it now is part of his current depression. So very spot on, again. Our twin flame relationship is very real and the actual feeling of runner/chaser is clear as water. I love’em but dang I wanna run right now!!!! Anyway, now I will look for this Nina. Lol
Hello Baba Jolie, I am going through everything you said word for word..You have given me so much spiritual enlightenment. I really did put my best foot forward with my connection and everything you said gave me advice on how to move forward and find my happiness and not waste 10 years of my beautiful life. Thank you so much you are just so amazing and professional. Many more blessings to you Baba Joli🤩❤️
Baba Jolie thank you for your time, I love your readings.
I claimed it, that will come true because all your readings resonate me so much. Thanks for your best and accurate reading.
This is just like a personal reading for me
Absolutely amazing
And yes , he is having some teeth problems
As you see not an easy situation
Have been working on it for years ...
thank you Baba Jolie , I feel so close to you
☺️ as you see , I have no problems expressing myself and my emotions
Love and light
You are So Amazing, I am living your readying PROFOUND!!!
Omg , every thing in this reading pertains to the relationship I was in with a Virgo ,from ppl asking why I want to be with him to years of putting up with his b.s.and his family situation growing up !!!
I'm a sun pisces and nina is one of my best friends against this relationship lol and your right I gave too much time effort and ready for something worthy of my heart.
Cross watcher and this was reversed. I am Aries he is Pisces but this was so similar to my Aries reading. Amazing.
Good to know the person I'm dealing with is Aries Thank you for the info
☺️ Me Pisces in 💛 with Aries 💋
I’m sun Pisces, rising Aries and he’s an Aries sun and Pisces rising
So sad
my twin flame lives in minneapolis, i can't believe you read so deeply into this. every single part was accurate. thank-you so much for this.
We met at a sorority house....wowowowowowow he has an addiction, hit the nail on the head. Your such an amazing reader Baba Jolie, I’m so very grateful for you and your gift
The sudden money coming matter is my energy. A money is about to come, but due to delay i am feeling numb.
Think positively dear you are a money magnet money comes to you easy and effortlessly ...keep affirming keep the faith 👌🏾😍
I say slow and steady wins the race all the time.. very accurate reading
Very accurate reading. Your gift is so powerful and sacred. Thank you 😊
When you said Prince and deeply religious I knew there was something in this reading for me. So much resonated. Thank you for this gift and your beautiful energy. You’ve given me a spark of hope. ❤️🦋⭐️🐞🧘♀️📿🌈🍀🦄🌙
Omg. Purple Rain was our song. That is a crazy confirmation. Everything you said was on point. You are amazing Baba Joli !!
You mention all. I am looking forward to meet him. To future things will change to realize. I am lot older than he is. I have my love for him as a mother Jolie. All will fit.It will work out. We talked today first intensive told him how I see. He call me my Superwoman! I know the time will find our way to be happy. I lived one drama after another.The Universe was always working as when its against . I cannot explain its was testing my strength. I love him but have to watch and protect myself and him. Thank you Jolie you are amazing!
Living with my brother since the pandemic...this makes sense...it wasn't easy
Ok 😳Purple Rain has been one of my top 5 songs since it came out! I have a tremendous connection to that song
Wow ! So accurate. He's a taurus. He rang last night after a 3 month break. I never answered, but he's unblocked me. Seems he wanrs to talk. Your reading is so spot on in every way. He had a very troubled upbringing and schooling that haunts him to this day. Yep, I'm not jumping back in. A liar is a liar. I had already recognised and learnt the lesson set for me. My barriers are stronger. I was giving to much in a one way relationship, he has alot of trust to rebuild. Lets see ..
This reading resonates with me which is true because my twin flame debt me an email saying he'll be back in 2-3 weeks to talk and meet, also buying property in Costa Rica. Thank you Baba Jolie. I am a follower 😊❤
Lol!! We are TFs and both of us have the front teeth replaced with implants. And yes he is my TF. He is piscis and I was the runner now I am healed but my FT is working on it. I completed oneness and working my spiritual gifts thanks to this connection. I wish I could reach to him but I dont think is time yet. We met 20 yrs ago and we both were with a karmic and a soulmate. I got scared we were so similar and that cause the beggining of working our shadow work. Thank you for the great gift you share with us. Love and light beautiful soul.
Sometimes making a break with a twin flame, no matter how painful it seems, is a way to break generational toxic cycles and get to higher ground. It is a traumatic break for sure...but the options in the end are: choosing endless pain or breaking the chains and flying to new heights. Twin flame or not, if someone transfers their pain onto you and makes no attempt to align their spiritual journey with yours, then it is time to choose YOU and walk away.
I’ve walked away.
I met her at a sushi restaurant & we became friends.
She returned from Denmark with a social website in 2010, forcing me to join.
Nina stated she was here to guide me to meet my husband.
I met my Twin on this website & we had a physical relationship throughout year 2011.
Been separated since but keep in contact throughout the years. Very deep bond & love...
Baba Jolie states-
"You can not make this stuff up"
I have been in my power since 2011 & making my dreams come to fruition no matter the circumstances...
God Bless Lady
Wow! This was almost like a personal reading, I wear a lot of interesting rings, my twin also knows I love Prince, and we are also in separation and not talking to each other. I definitely feel like I’ve done everything I can, I have reached out and been ignored and he continues to hurt me from a distance. So I’m done and focusing on myself. Thank you to you and your wonderful spirit team for the messages
I dont normally comment at all, but this one was crazy for me. When you said "missing tooth" I chalked it up to coincidence since mine is missing in a place that you would only know if I opened my mouth to show you, but shortly after you mentioned her name. Then I felt a huge relief like a ton of bricks just flew off my shoulders. I really am so glad that something came through at a time like this because I've been starting to feel like I was just chasing pavements or going insane tbh. Thank you so much for this message and what you do!
I’m a Pisces and I decided to watch this because I felt there was nothing left to lose. Then something crazy happened you mentioned ( your guides were saying something to someone who might be eating noodles) I dropped my spoon because I was eating noodle soup and listened to everything you said. Thank you I may not understand it all but I’m positive I’ll figure it out in time
Like always reasonated very much. Thank you very much baba jolie for sharing your wonderful gift ❤️
I have taken a break from reading for a couple weeks. I decided to watch this one. It's actually scary accurate to my situation!..wow..😌
I will...I will...I will ♥️
YEP I WAS EATING NOODLE~... bless u Baba Jolie
I did resonate with this reading . I'm a Pisces, he's a Taurus & moves very slowly .We reconnected almost 4 years ago after 20 years apart & my sister Nina was the one who first introduced us all those years ago
Just love your readings as they are always on point! thank you much peace, love, and blessings
Thankyou again for you beautiful readings as it is taking so long to hear from my twin flame I start to think it’s never going to happen, This helps me keep the faith 💓
The ring and courthouse is right on point.
Oh my god when you mentioned the affair of a parent so on point!!
I always get the number syncs when watching your vids.
Thank you for doing what you do.
You are loved,dear soul. ❤
When he ended things I told him if he changes his mind he knows where to find me. Even though he hurt me I will hear him out coz i believe there are things we need to fix first. But I am willing to face all obstacles with him. I feel he has pushed me away though. You are so good in your reading and perceptions. I wish we will patch up soon. But I will not reach out coz I already did and we ended instead. This reading made me sad.
Thank you always Baba Jolie🙏
Very exact about the money and the relationship. Thank you..
Right down to his childhood and fathers affairs....He has been deeply affected by it
Thank you for clarity.
SO ACCURATE.. I wear at least 7 rings..Prince is one of my favorite artists. Our last cordial conversation was about a Purple corvette..PTSD and childhood trauma made him invulnerable, but I felt our hearts connect.. Then he became a track star 🏃 ..You don't see a karmic because according to previous TF readings, he let the karmic go 😃.. I know, the reason he is focused on money before returning because due to how brutal he left it, he knows he MUST court, spoil me; and, PROVE he can be a DIVINE MASCULINENE and not a page of wands!! I love you, Baba. I pray his heart is healed 💙.
WOWW!!! this was a personal reading for me for sure 🤍 THANK YOU!
Great reading yes i am looking at moving i have parted from a twin flame love and light sent to you i love your readings never miss them
Happy birthday!!! 🎈🎉🎂
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful day full of magical moments. May the Universe send you all your manifestations and more. Love and light xx
@@babajolieguidedmessages8106 OMG!!! This just made my WHOLE DAY!!! I 100% recieve this! 💜💜
@@Manw3ll19 Thank you so much
I want some cool bowls like those
You always are so psychic for me! I have a missing tooth, one of the ones to the side of my smile so it is a little noticeable and I’ve been self conscious of it and I’ve made an affirmation that I could get a bridge or implant before uniting with my twin flame... crazy!
Oh boy, this resonated more than I wanted it to. I want this to end, and I want a conversation to find things out and why they ended how they did. I wish that this wasn’t a twin flame connection because it makes it all the harder to step away completely. I don’t want this person back and it certainly would take a miracle for me to accept them back. My friends hate them and didn’t like them while they were in my life, especially the way they left my life. The way this person left my life was one that I feel almost nobody would let back in. It wasn’t cheating but instead them trying to take all of my physical possessions as they left, like my job and people I’d later meet by ruining my reputation.
This reading is reversed...the Pisces gave me Breadcrumbs & Guarded was an understatement!!! I’m a strong Capricorn & realized I can’t fix something I didn’t break. Sad...he thinks we will be together whenever he feels like doing the work to fix his upbringing that was misery. He is a runner, could NEVER handle communication. Sooooo reversed!!!
Same here...I am Capricorn also. I actually came open hearted to this relationship, but got hurt so many times by "super sensitive " pisces, is not even funny. I was listening word "sorry " over and over, I was taking him back over and over....But this time I am drain ..no energy or strange deal with him anymore. I am just a human with heart, no superhero with a stone insteadheart...
@@janaviochnova5701 keep doing YOU!!! We can only Love them & let them go if they can’t give it back. This reading was so crazy down to his father having an affair when he was only a few years old. Very bad childhood & I think that’s what kept me living with him for 5 years. He is NOT a bad person he just can’t communicate his feelings to the point I watch Pisces readings to try to understand how he feels. Pathetic right?!? Lol. I hope it all works out for you, we all deserve to be happy. 🥰
I moved out on February 24th, hardest thing to do when you still love someone. I have done everything I can & I’m just cried out. I can Love him an hour away with NO expectations so, I can save myself disappointment...just over & over again broken promises. I wish him happiness...now I will find my own without him. 💔
I am a scorpio he doesn't believe in twinflame. According to his church its only soulmate.
I am so thankful I found your channel!
You said my name and my jaw dropped. Resonated. Thank you.
A really incredibly resonating read.
I do both enjoy and equally appreciate your reads.
I have written a comment up before, in relation of another read you’ve done, but, the woman who I love, whilst though being apart, is a Cancerian.
Close to all of what you said rang, has rung, a resounding truth.
I love this woman and honestly believe she’s my forever, but, I am at that place of how long do I continue hanging on. She is though, my soulmate. I feel sure. ♓️+♋️=❤️
I’m an Aries, ascending Pisces and Capricorn moon. I always read all three to get a more specific reading for me and its been right on with you.
Even though i know its a general reading, so far its felt very personal. Thank you.
love how you are always spot on
Make me weepy because its totally resonates on me.... superb love your readingBaba.. most resonates on me... thanks a lotxxx
Omg as soon as you said a song by Prince and then Purple rain I was just shocked. I know exactly who I are talking about now and u are so spot on. OMG
Baba jolie you are Legend. OMG!!!! He is staying his mother's home now becouse of his hernia surgery. And i visit him today.I went his mother's home and she make a noodles. Omg its unbelivable baba jollie how you know this!!! We ate noddle together today with him. 👌👌👌👌👌😱👏👏👏👏👏💐💐💐
Wow Baba! This year old reading came up on my feed, so I decided to listen.. ALL resonates- even down to his missing tooth!!😳 Love yr work! x
Pisces rising. Once again I feel like you are describing my exact situation. I'm the one with the tooth problem. Thanks for all you do.
Love light and happiness going out to you Baba Jolie big hugs from me to you.
Thank you Baba Jolie!! Sooooo personal. You healed me this day.
He is my person. Thank you for this clarity and your soothing spirit and words.💜💍☔️🥡 🦷 ♓️♏️ eternalbeloved
✋ this is scary accurate!
I here by resonate with this reading about 80%
Thank you for your communicated guidance Baba Jolie!! Another Amazing message and sending a massive hug back to you!!!
Thank you, Thank you , Thank you 🙏🏽 Purple reign 🥰🥰🥰
So true I’m with a soul mate I can’t survive with out him . Everything is so intense when he’s around
Amazing reading...I am just enjoying the concept of runner & chaser 🤣
everything resonated with me in the reading, word for word as if you had a camera following me. You are by far the best reader I could as for ✨
This is exactly what is happening to me right now... and then Baba explains it all, and my twin flames childhood was just that! Quite an emotional process. Oh and I recently had my one wisdom tooth removed. ...sigh... but thank you Baba x
*Sudden Wealth: I relate to not feeling anything on that card. Bc for me, this is all about Wealth of things they haven't had before - free of all the restrictions of life - so that they can complete their change. Not monetary Wealth. They are sharing their gifts with me still (he passed away).
2:00 in, and already tearing up overfilled with energy. This person, who I knew in my soul who they were, but didn't realize that it was a Twin Flame journey until after, they died in late January.
I'm still connected to him. On every single level (except physical, of course). I can see the beautiful lessons he is enabling me to explore, and the gifts I'm being called to activate.
Thank you so much for this reading.
Yes I stopped chasing I am pisces and he is virgo yes I am moving on and yes i can hold space but I am not waiting any longer thank you 💕
Wow, so many things spoke to me in this reading... I felt it was a personal reading.
Prince is my ultimate favorite artist of all time!!! 💟💜 ☔️ new to your channel and had to subscribe. Love your reading!!!
Baba Jolieeeeeee! I was just thinking should I say something to him or just not and just respect the dead .... and it's like you answered me. 😳🤯🤪 Aaaaaaaaaaaah-mazing.
I love this reading. Completely resonated with me. Thank you very much! Love & light to you ❤️✨
Exactly what I go through with my person. Thank you for guidance and enlightenment 💕
Wow spot on! My boyfriend and I have been together a year but hes holding back waiting for his residency to go through. He broke his front tooth and had emergency surgery on it. We've had arguments about it and he says he wants to build with me but needs to finish his other thing first. I understand the pressure he is under but I told him I'm growing bored of trying with him. He is so loving but he is so in his head it's like he can't express himself incase he doesn't get to remain in the country. Also my friend today was telling me about her friend Nina! Thank you for a wonderful reading 👏❤
Holy smokes! Spot on. Chills 😙 Thank you 💖 everything from the song to the missing tooth and noodles all the way through felt like a personal reading thank you baba jolie
Baba, most of your Pisces and Sag readings resonate profoundly with me and my middle name is Nina.
Thank you very much
Love for all Pisces 🐟. Peace
This is my first time watching and I have to let you know how impressed I am. Less that 15 minutes in and you've nailed my situation 100%...including the bowl of noodles that I'm eating right now and the missing tooth that I knocked out of my mouth on Thurs. by accidentally smashing a guitar into my face. Whoa...Just whoaaa! :)